There are many companies offering care and support to people living in their own homes, who may need support. It can get confusing with all the different options available. North London Homecare and Support Ltd. know it's essential for both the person who needs the care and support and their relatives, to be assured that the care given is exactly what they need.
We offer a transparent service with flexibility, to ensure our service meets the individual needs of the person receiving our service. We recognise that care and support may be required at short notice and often at a time of crisis. We have identified below a list of points we advise you to consider when planning the care and support you need.
If you would like to talk through your care needs and any concerns, please call us at either branch. Harlow 01279 452105 or Enfield 0208 443 3380.
The first thing you need to decide is how much care and support you or your loved one is going to need. For example, you might just need a short daily visit to check on you or your loved one or to cook and serve a meal or more calls might be needed throughout the day to support the Individual with their daily living and personal care.
Alternatively, you might need a higher level of care and require support staff for longer periods. We can provide our services during the day or night, every day of the week and every week of the year. Our night services can either be asleep, where we can be called if needed or awake for immediate assistance and constant supervision.
We can provide services on a continuous or a short term basis, to provide relief to other carers, to give them a break from their responsibilities. This may be occasionally or on a regular daily or weekly basis or in some cases just when they are away on holiday. We can also take the person we are supporting away on a holiday too. We can support those people who need support, to participate in social and recreational activities either at home or in their local community.
Some of our services you might want to consider include:
Meal preparations
Assistance with medication
Liaising with other services/professionals
Emotional support
Help with dressing and hygiene
Running errands
Getting out and about
Social activities
Our service is tailored to individual needs. North London Homecare & Support Ltd. can help you understand what is available and from whom. We offer impartial advice on which services you may require. We can also help ease the process if you are new to the care system or are changing care providers, by talking you through the process and supporting you throughout the transition.
Our carers do more than just visit, if you choose. They will also support your loved one to get out and about to access their local community and if wished, participate in organised activities.
If you are considering our services, you'll want to meet us and talk personally about your requirements. We'll be happy to answer all your questions. We aim to make it easier for you, to reach a decision as to which service provider you want to work with you and your loved one. Here are questions we are often asked (a full list and answers can been seen on our FAQ page
How long have you been providing care services?
How are your staff vetted?
How are payments handled by your company?
Do you have 24-hour care?
How are emergencies handled?
What type of training do your employees have?
What happens if I don't like the staff allocated to me, can I change?
What sorts of services do you provide?
Can I speak to someone who already has your service?
What happens when my support staff are poorly or on holiday?
Are the staff supervised and supported?
You need to be sure, that you are arranging the right care and support, so to reassure you we are happy to answer as many questions as you have, before and if chosen, after our services commence. We will ask for a point of contact, should we need any further information or need to contact someone with any observed concern we have or in case of an emergency.
We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission and all our support staff are fully Enhanced DBS checked. We obtain two written references for all our staff, one of whom should be their previous employer. We have family members of people we do or have provided services to, who are willing to tell you about their experience of our services.
All new staff undertake an Induction Course which when successfully completed, accredits the New Worker with the National Care Certificate. For our existing staff we have a Training Plan which is reviewed every year, to ensure each member of staff attends all mandatory training and any specialist training relevant to their responsibilities and aspirations. We encourage all staff and facilitate for those who wish, to study to obtain Diplomas in Health and Social Care, at a level appropriate to their working responsibilities
Many people worry about the cost of care support and how they can fund this. North London Homecare & Support Ltd., will work with you to create a service plan that best suits your needs and circumstances.
Currently there are three ways that our care services can be funded:
Local Authority Care Funding: For clients that qualify for full or part-funding of care service by the local council, NHS trust or other organisation. It may be that our services are commissioned directly and paid for directly by the funding body or as an Individual Service Fund. The funding authority may charge you, depending on your financial savings threshold.
Direct Payment Funding: In some instances you may be in control of the funding from a funding authority yourself through a direct payment from them. In this instance it will be up to you to arrange and pay for the care and support services. We can assist you in this and our systems are compatible with local authority payment cards.
Private Funding: You may of course be paying for services privately. Working with you we will devise a support package that meets your needs and budget. We can simplify invoicing and payment procedures, we can set up direct debit arrangements.
Choosing a care service provider can seem like a scary and impossible task and we understand that it can be a challenging time. With over 50 years experience, North London Homecare and Support Ltd. can provide you with expert advice and help every step of the way, why not call us on 01279 452105 or 0208 443 3380 or get in touch via our contact form here.