Being a family carer can be very tiring, with little time available for oneself. Respite care may be available to you from the Local Authority, but perhaps the family member you support doesn't like this. Our services can be provided to support your family member, in their own home while you take a holiday. We can work with other members of your family and agree a plan of care that best suits the needs of the Individual. This may be frequent short visits, or longer visits or 24hour care.
Alternatively, we can take your family member away on their own holiday, if an appropriate safe holiday venue is found, to allow you, your own time at home.
You can discuss your individual needs with us and we will match you with the staff members that you and the individual feel comfortable with. With this information we are able to provide you with a tailored service, depending upon your requirements.
When the main carer is away, their loved one will usually miss their companionship. Our Support Staff will ensure that your loved one has plenty to do and that they aren't going to be focused on the fact that you aren't there. We will seek information on the persons interests, wishes and routines, to plan and make available activities that are of interest and meaningful. This may be something as simple as reading the newspaper together, to making a meal or going for a walk. The safety of each activity will be fully considered, as will the cost, to ensure it is suited to the person.
Our services are able to deal with emergencies while you are gone and will notify you immediately of any change in the well being of your family member. We have formal procedures we follow, to ensure each person is safeguarded and that appropriate services and treatment are sought in a timely and professional manner. Our priority is the health, safety and well being of your family member.
Alternatively, our support may be required at a time when the person who usually cares for someone becomes unwell and is no longer able to do this. This can be difficult for family members to deal with. We can help you to understand the role and responsibilities of the differing professionals, who will become involved and work with you, to plan our services, in accordance with your needs and choices, but with consideration to any other statutory or voluntary services available to you.
You can take a break with complete confidence because we will ensure that your loved one is well looked after. Our staff are trained and they know exactly what to do when it comes to providing quality services. If you would like to find out more or talk to one of us please call 020 8443 3380 for our services in Enfield and surrounding areas or 01279 452105 for our Essex services.