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Stephen Boon - Trip to Paris

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Stephen has always carried and a pocket-sized atlas around with him and spoken to me about different countries around the world and how he wished to visit them. I spoke to Stephen about how we could make this possible, I explained to him that we would have to apply for a passport and then plan a trip away. We went to the post office and picked up a form, we had to send for a copy of his birth certificate as his family did not know where it was. Once we filled the application form for the passport, Stephen and I went to the post office to send it off. Stephen received a letter a few weeks later, it was inviting him for an interview at the passport office, I enquired about what this interview may entail and unfortunately it would’ve been too stressful for Stephen to attend. We went to his GP and asked for a supporting letter for the passport application. Stephen began to think about what countries he may like to visit. 

THE PASSPORT CAME! Stephen was very proud of his first passport! 

Stephen  and I chatted about what countries he’d like to visit. Stephen really wanted to go to see the pyramids in Egypt. We went to a travel agents and spoke with them about this; unfortunately they advised against this, for safety reasons.

Stephen likes to keep on the move. His family, worried that he might not cope with a plane journey, very well. Also the sensory feeling of being on a plane may upset Stephen. Not to be defeated, we spoke together about taking a train to go abroad. I showed Stephen the options of where trains can go from England and  Stephen instantly said ‘Paris, I want to see the Eiffel Tower.’

In preparation for the train journey, to Paris, Stephen and I made local train trips and longer bus rides. We got used to having to sit down for a longer time. We completed a holiday form for Essex Guardians to check this holiday was affordable for Stephen.  Essex guardians were happy that this holiday was, so Stephen and I booked the Eurostar tickets! We booked an apartment too, Stephen didn’t want to stay in a hotel where there was just a room and a bed in it, he wanted to have the opportunity to wonder around where we were staying. Stephen and I looked online, on air BnB and found the apartment he thought was perfect for him!


ST - Senior Support Worker


Monday 25th February 2019 

Sam came to my home and helped me pack my bag; we took the cab to Harlow Town station. We got the train to London St Pancras. At St Pancras we had a coffee before going through security and getting on the Eurostar. Once on the Eurostar, Sam and I, chatted and looked out the window, I enjoyed seeing the animals and the cars as we passed them! It was a lovely day, I even put my sunglasses on! It took about two and a half hours to get to Paris from London, I couldn’t wait to get off the train because that meant "I’m in Paris!"

When we got off the train, I was very interested in what the train looked like, I asked Sam to take a photo so I can see it again. We took a cab to our apartment, it was really nice, I had my own bedroom and I had a kitchen too! We went and bought some snacks, so I can have milkshakes and coffee whenever I like.

We then headed to see the Eiffel tower! It was really busy and I got chatting with a man called Mike, I told him where I came from and I told him about things I do at home, I got a photo with him. 

I thought the Eiffel tower was very interesting, it was really big and the surrounding grounds were lovely and green.

I was really tired after all the travelling, so I wanted to go and relax in the apartment, we watched French TV, it was quite funny when we couldn’t understand a thing! I did however learn how to say Hello. BONJOUR!!!

The next morning, we woke up bright and early, got ourselves ready and went out! I really enjoyed breakfast in Paris, the patisserie had the yummiest pastries and cakes! 

We had a walk to the army museum, Paris was very sunny. 

I really enjoyed the army museum. Afterwards, Sam and I, took another walk and found a boat where we could do a river cruise! I liked seeing the ducks and people along the river. I liked looking at the water and all the other boats too! I was waving at people as we went under the bridges. When the boat trip ended, I was very hungry. I saw a restaurant that was on the river and I picked there to eat. It had chicken and potatoes, and a passion fruit dessert. It was so yummy, I ate Sam’s! All the food made me feel tired, so we went make to our apartment for a rest. I woke up in the evening to start all over again, I wanted to see the Eiffel Tower at night! It was very nice lit up! I chose to have pizza to eat and a chocolate waffle.
The next day Sam and I went to the Chocolate Museum. We went on the Metro, it’s the French version of a Tube.  I really liked it here! You could eat as much chocolate as you like. The machines were dotted around the museum and I was able to pick from white, milk or dark chocolate! We watched a man make the chocolate, and he even let us taste it after! 


S. Boon


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